Surveys & Research

Boost the credibility of your marketing plan with empirical research.  Nothing speaks louder than facts and figures.  We know where to find them and how to use them.   At AJ Fin, we craft custom-made surveys, analyze findings, identify trends and create brands by mining the details that matter.

In particular, AJ Fin has extensive experience in structuring economic development campaigns for corporations and government entities. 

At Al Paul Lefton Co., AJ Fin launched a business expansion public relations campaign for Scotland’s economic development agency, Locate in Scotland — a $3 million international R&D account.

Scotland sought to attract R&D site operations of U.S.-based corporations via press relations in the U.S.  AJ Fin developed a plan promoting key benefits of locating in Scotland by surveying companies that had expanded into the country’s Silicon Glen, a high tech development zone, and pitching those case studies to targeted media.

Original research by AJ Fin revealed that skilled R&D labor from a cluster of Scotland’s renowned universities topped the list of site selection factors.  

AJ Fin pooled collaboration success stories from U.K. universities and companies that located there, including Sun Microsystems, Compaq, Cadence Design Systems and 3Com.  

Winning pitches included Intellectual Property, information technology, biotechnology and microelectronics.  AJ Fin worked with major media in the U.S. and with their U.K. bureaus.  Please see the “Major Press” section of this Web Site for media placements.

AJ Fin also developed a database and white paper about these activities that Scotland used for competitive analysis. 


AJ Fin launch a public relations plan for The Greater Philadelphia (GP) Economic Development Consortium — an alliance of the University of Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin Technology Partners, The Eastern Technology Council and high-tech companies in GP. 

AJ Fin surveyed corporate newcomers in GP on their top relocation factors.  We pooled the results and performed a comparative analysis in the markets of six major metropolitan contenders.

The result:  A compelling and empirically-supported “top factors” FAQ where GP shined over competitors, including,

• Real estate values per square foot

• Renowned universities available for pursuing academic partnerships in R&D and support

• Quality of life

• Commercial and industrial clusters

• Transportation and IT infrastructure

• The unsung advantages unique to the GP region

The survey also yielded valuable testimonials from major corporations and a compelling press pitch to business and real estate media.
